The Media and Modern life-Essay writing 

The Media and Modern life-Essay writing 

The Media and Modern life

Introduction – The impact of the media, whether printed or electronic, cannot be discarded in the present-day world. Quick communication and quick information is the function of the media now.


Role of Print Media – In these days of awareness, even the remotest village of India gets at least one newspaper in their local language. This keeps them abreast of the latest news and happenings of the world. Moreover, written media is the cheapest medium of collecting all important information of the district, city, country, and the world. Thus, it is part and parcel of ‘ Modern life’ as we understand it.

Role of Electronic Media – This includes radio television and the internet. It is initially more expensive than print media. Thus, earlier it was less common in far-flung areas of the country. But now with prosperity in rural areas along with the various channels available on all forms of electronic media, no information or viewpoint is left untouched. However, this form of media caters more to urban users, as it is more expensive to buy and than to maintain.


Media is Indispensable for Modren life – Thus, the media, whatever it be, print or electronic, has become indispensable for modern life. Its importance in the modern world cannot be denigrated. The only problem is that, with the freedom of the press assuming new proportions, the media is becoming slightly out of control and also partial. It is overstepping its limits and, to some extent, misusing its freedom.

Conclusion – The job of the media is to give information about what is happening. It should not add its own partial views to the information. The job of the media should remain restricted only to reporting facts as to when they occur and leave the readers to form their own opinions.


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